STURM AND SLANG: Agnė Jokšė, performance, “Lezbynai”, 13 September, 07:30 PM and 08:30 PM.  

The reading-performance Lezbynai is an erotic story about lesbian love in the background of the Lazdynai district where the artist grew up. The residential houses lined up in front of each other in this neighbourhood create a situation of a kind of panopticon, when everyone watches everyone, so any intimate gesture becomes both private and public at the same time. In Jokšės’s story, this situation becomes a medium for spreading a sexual, unbridled fantasy, which, unfolding within the artist’s relationship with her lovers, paints the seemingly silent concrete walls of the district’s buildings and penetrates the lives and thoughts of the people living there.

Free admission.
Language: English. 
Duration: 20 minutes.

Doors open at 7:00 PM. First performance starts at 07:30 PM and second at 08:30 PM.

Agnė Jokšė - Vilnius-based artist, writer and activist. They explore autoethnography, intertwining personal experiences with reflections on intimacy and parallel histories, works on queering the language.