STURM AND SLANG: Yevheniia Moliar, Zhenia Stepko, Vova Vorotniov, “Surzhrealism”, panel discussion, 7 June, 2024, 7:30 PM
The panel discussion will look at Surzhyk—a local idiom widely spoken in east of Ukraine comprising the elements of both Ukrainian and Russian, and a cultural phenomenon—and its appearance in contemporary art and pop-culture. Combining linguistic and visual references, the participants will discuss some strategies of spoken and written languages hybridations and their artistic subversive potential.
Zhennia Stepko is a co-author and editor of the anthology "SMT Surzhyk". This publication, compiled in 2023, features texts and photos from 35 authors who write in Surzhyk. The idea behind this edition is to reflect Surzhyk as an important component of Ukrainian identity. Additionally, it aims to showcase the complexity, emotional depth, and vitality of Surzhyk.
Zhenia Moliar is an art historian who studied at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in Kyiv. In 2023-2024, she was a resident at Slavs and Tatars’ studio supported by the program Weltoffenes Berlin.
Vova Vorotniov is a Ukrainian Contemporary artist
Image courtesy: Vova Vorotniov